Henrique de Melo Parise

“Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem he has to solve”
Erich Fromm
These are the last words of our beloved son Henrique, that left us on December 23rd 2017.
Henrique is unique, a special son, a loved grandson and the best brother Alex can have.
Henrique has Asperger, a neurological condition of the autistic spectrum characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, in addition to repetitive patterns of behaviour and restricted interests. And for that reason, for Henrique, being amongst us is tiring and painful, so painful that he decided to leave us.
Henrique is no longer with us and the emptiness cannot be described. In his way of being special, when leaving, he only asked that his life has a meaning and that his choice to leave us is a wake-up call to the need for each person and society to better understand all other special and different people.
Henrique does not want flowers. Henrique wants us to support MQ Transforming Mental Health “I do not wish roses, but a generous donation to…”. In order for this support to have the meaning that Henrique asked us and which Henrique deserves, his brother Alex created a Crowdfunding. In memory of Henrique, please help spread this initiative. Share his story, contribute to his last request.
“Please, please help bring mental issues into spotlight. Take good care of Alex. I love you all”,
Henrique de Melo Parise, 23rd of December 2017.

“Please, please help bring mental issues into spotlight. Take good care of Alex. I love you all” Henrique de Melo Parise, 23rd of December 2017.
henriquedemeloparise@gmail.com | +41 79 2363057